Your picture is worth around 200 words

createThink of the picture you drew and use whatever you have come up with during the free association in class to create a text or part of a text. This text should be around 200 words long and contain three vocabulary items (put in bold) which are new for you and seem of value for the future of your writing. Except for these two criteria, anything goes – write an interior monologue, a speech, a letter, a dialogue, a poem, an adventure, a death scene….
Your text only has to have a minor connection to the picture, so do not feel limited by what you have been dealt.

Do not forget to provide a suitable title and please let your readers know what kind of picture you got at the very end of your post.
Once finished, please check your blog buddies’ posts and comment on them. Follow the commenting guidelines and do not merely congratulate them.
If necessary correct and revise your text according to your readers’ suggestions and put a second version in your original post.

Your text has to be published by Saturday the 15th. Please tag it as “creative writing”.

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