Always finish strong!


While the most stressful phases of this school year might be over, academia should not be put on the backburner before you are sure and happy about each and every grade. We still have three weeks to go. As one of these weeks is already reserved for your more sporty adventures, however, and we have another holiday coming up next week – it comes down to 11 days before grading (including today).

So now is the time to think about your achievements in every subject and determine whether a particular one might still need your attention. Are there any unfinished projects? Should you ask anybody for an oral exam before the grading deadline (26th June)?

Blogwise, please make sure you have enough posts to get the grade you desire. Moreover, edit if necessary and keep in mind: all your texts should be up to par when it comes to grammar, spelling, content and digital requirements. Once you are satisfied, “hand in” your blog for grading by commenting on this post (preferably by the 18th of June).

There are two new assignments #23 & #24 on the assignment list for you to check out.



23 comments to Always finish strong!

  1. chickinator says:

    After having checked with our assignment list twice I hope I have not left out any task we had to do as well as that those I did find your satisfaction.

  2. freakx says:

    I have checked every blog entry of mine and I am satisfied with the result and therefore I would appreciate I you could have a look over our ”one year project”.

  3. alinakop says:

    Although one day too late, I finished my blog to my satisfaction and would like to hand it in now.
    Alina Kop

  4. tizi.x says:

    Soo I want to hand in my blog and hopefully it will be okayy

  5. grinsekathi says:

    I finished my blog and would like to hand it in!

  6. Noah says:

    Even though I didnt accomplish all tasks, I am still satisfied with my blog and give you the permission to
    grade it.

  7. luci_dclxvi says:

    I want to hand in my blog, I hope I didn’t forget anything.


  8. 8astian says:


  9. sophiexdx says:

    After checking evry assignment I now hope that I have done everything so that I can now hand in my blog

    Ps: just to remind you my parts of the “TCITBM-story” are not found on my blog, because I handed them to you in my notebook;)

  10. Dome says:

    Handing in my blog now
    Thanks, Dominik.

  11. alinoxli says:

    After looking through the assignment list I have done everything except of answering my comments because as I told you in class I can not read my comments. All in all I am pretty satisfied on how the blog turned out and I hope you are too……
    Alina Kow.

  12. ianni says:

    I want to hand in my blog now. Have a nice day and I hope you will have fun looking through it.

    • nicicthegreat says:

      You also have a nice day Fanni. Moreover, reading your blog is indeed a very fun activity, I agree

  13. _kerrin_ says:

    I now want to hand in my blog.
    Instead of writing the answers to TTIACITBM, I continued the story we started during a lesson in the library, so I hope that’s fine. I also commented on other people’s Blogs and linked them in a comment to one of your posts. Edublogs did not allow me to post the links with “http://”, which means I had to delete that. I hope you are still able to see those comments!

  14. flo0987 says:

    I am finished. I am handing in the Blog

  15. Gerry says:

    I´m done, finally I can start living a human life again.

  16. nicicthegreat says:

    Late but still on time!! (23:58)
    I double checked every single post and hope to fulfill you expectations. Thus I consequently hand in my hopefully marvelous blog.

  17. hanna.lore says:

    I finished my blog and want to hand it it.
    Hanna 🙂

  18. idasheeran says:

    Even if I am 50 minutes too late, I’d like to hand in my blog😇

  19. @piamarielix says:

    So, I want to hand in my blog, as I think I have fulfilled all the needed assignments to get the grade I strive for.

  20. nicicthegreat says:

    Recently I answered all comments, however three of them are on my “that’s me page” still waiting for moderation and thus aren’t visible . Due to my perplexity what to do about it, I approach you if you perhaps are able to confirm them. I hope you take them then into account anyhow. if you are not eligible to accept the comments I would be happy to send them to you per email or similar.

  21. Forestdweller says:


    19/21 managed to hand in their work – most on time.

    Enjoy your week!

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