Let the real work begin!

I am glad to see that everybody managed to start their own blog. Some of your designs look excellent!

By now you should have

  1. an introduction/about me post
  2. the 222 booklist as a page
  3. commented on the 222 book post on 5 owls
  4. found a layout that works for you

All of these four tasks must be completed by the end of Friday’s lesson (7th Oct.).



Please put your paragraph about writing paragraphs online now. Categorise it as academic writing before you publish it. Then read your blog buddies’ paragraphs and formulate a helpful comment that meets our commenting guidelines and criteria for good commenting. Should you receive a comment yourself, please answer it and use it to improve your paragraph by posting a second version beneath your initial post.

Use the remaining time to browse other 5c blogs, enhance your reading list or start working on your first review.

Roll Call – Getting started …

Dear owls!

The first task for this year’s blogging experience is threefold:

  1. Leave a comment in order to let me know your accounts work properly. A simple “Aye!” does the trick. Add a sentence or two if you want to express any initial thoughts on blogging.
  2. Write your first blog post: Autobiography – introduce yourself to your readers. Share your hobbies, interests and anything else you want others to know about the real you. Mind the blogging guidelines, though.
  3. Design a post for your updated reading list. Write down the titles (+author;+genre) of the books you want to read for the 222 books challenge. Create links for these titles if you want to (e.g. goodreads)

Use the remaining time to customise your blog.

Image by Sandy Brown Jensen

Welcome 5C!

This is our class blog for 2016/2017.

Blogs offer authenticity – we will write and create content for real audiences this year, comment, give and deal with feedback and engage in discourse about a variety of tasks and topics.


Image by Sylvia Duckworth

This class blog will serve you as a point of entry. Here I will post relevant information, additional material and different tasks throughout both semesters. We will share our learning experiences among ourselves and with the world.

Your thoughts, ideas and opinions matter and I therefore invite you to create your own student blog.

Before you delve into all the possibilities, please check out the blogging guidelines again.


222 Books

For this semester’s book challenge, please leave each book you finish in the comment section of this post.

Include title, author, genre  and one or two sentences about the book and whether you liked it.

You may also link the book to your student blog!